
Denture Repair: Home Remedies and More

4 Ways To Reduce Dental Anxiety

Dental treatment is one of life's necessary evils. Whether it's due to a bad childhood experience or the fear that the treatment will hurt, dental phobia is very common. The good news is that most dentists are aware of their patients' fears and will strive to provide a kind and gentle environment that's as stress-free as possible.

If you're scared of visiting the dentist, these tips will help.

Visit the Surgery Beforehand

The medical profession advances at a significant rate. The big scary tools that were once standard when you were a child may no longer be used. While you'll still associate the sounds and smells with bad memories, many of the surgical operations are now completely painless. If you haven't been to the dentist for a long time, visiting the surgery is a viable first step, allowing you to see how much things have changed.

Ask for a Dental Wand

Dental wands are a computerised injection tool that deliver anaesthetic in a slow and painless way. If you're afraid of needles and need dental surgery, they look far less threatening. Dental wands look like ball-point pens and are even held the same way. The precise rate of flow places less pressure on the soft tissue, making it easier and more comfortable to administer.

Schedule a Morning Appointment

By picking an early appointment, you'll have less time throughout the day to think and dwell upon what's coming up. Make sure your first appointment back is merely a check-up. This way, you won't have to worry about fillings, drills, needles or any other tools that'll make you nervous.

Visit a Sedation Clinic

If you are apprehensive about having dental surgery, ask your dentist to refer you to a dental sedation clinic. There are multiple types of sedation available, should you need it, including minimal sedation, which is delivered through a nose piece and will help you stay calm; moderate sedation, which is usually administered as an injection that will place you in a deep state of relaxation (you may not remember the surgery); and deep sedation, which is generally administered through an IV and will make you almost unconscious.

Take baby steps and don't be afraid to share your fears. A good dentist will understand and acknowledge your anxiety and make every effort to adapt their treatment to your needs. While you may not feel comfortable straight away, with time and reassurance, you'll eventually get used to the idea.  

About Me

Denture Repair: Home Remedies and More

Unfortunately, even the best dentures can face troubles. My name is Ella, and as a denture wearer for over a decade, I have faced almost every denture issue in the book. Along the way, I've learned tons of tips and tricks on how to repair them at home and how to diagnose issues on your own. I've also learned when it's important to call the dentist for professional assistance. In this blog, we're going to explore all of it – home remedies on cleaning dentures, fixing them, storing them and more. Take my experience and let it guide you through your denture-wearing journey. Thanks for reading! Take care, Ella.
