
Denture Repair: Home Remedies and More

Follow these Emergency First Aid Steps when Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out

Getting your tooth knocked out can be traumatising, especially when you do not understand the right First Aid techniques to employ to save the tooth. Dentists typically recommend that you should see a dentist within 30 minutes of getting your tooth knocked out so that they can help get it back in the socket and avert the possibility of losing it altogether. However, there are still a few First Aid techniques that you can follow to salvage your tooth if it was knocked out. 

Saving the tooth

The crucial part of the entire process should be looking for a way to save the tooth. Locate the tooth and place it in a cup with warm milk or salty water. If the tooth has dirt on it, run it gently under tap water, and allow all the adhering dirt to get off it. Do not scrub the tooth, as this will remove significant tissue that is needed for the reattachment process. Close the container and wait for the dentist to assess the tooth and determine if it can be put back in its socket.

Cleaning your mouth

The second step will be dealing with your mouth. Typically, you will be bleeding, and your priority should be to stem the flow of blood. Rinse your mouth with clean water. If the stream of the blood is still steady, you can bite down on a wad of cotton as you head to the nearest dental clinic. You can try repositioning the tooth back in the mouth by placing it back in its socket and gently biting down on it. If you are unable to put the tooth back in, carry it to the dentist's office. 

Saving the tooth

The dentist will assess the tooth and determine whether it is still in a position to be placed back in the mouth. If yes, they will put it back, and within a few days, the tissues supporting the root will regenerate. On the other hand, if the tooth cannot be saved, they will recommend a root canal or a dental implant to replace the entire tooth.

If the tooth that was knocked out had decay or other signs of weakness, the dentist might advise against having it put back in the mouth. In such a case, bonding and implants may be used to replace the lost tooth.

Attending regular dentist checkups should help with preventing most dental problems. However, you can't prevent all damage, so it is advisable to have the contacts of an emergency dentist close to you at all times, to adequately deal with these emergencies. 

About Me

Denture Repair: Home Remedies and More

Unfortunately, even the best dentures can face troubles. My name is Ella, and as a denture wearer for over a decade, I have faced almost every denture issue in the book. Along the way, I've learned tons of tips and tricks on how to repair them at home and how to diagnose issues on your own. I've also learned when it's important to call the dentist for professional assistance. In this blog, we're going to explore all of it – home remedies on cleaning dentures, fixing them, storing them and more. Take my experience and let it guide you through your denture-wearing journey. Thanks for reading! Take care, Ella.
