
Denture Repair: Home Remedies and More

The pros and cons of wearing flexible dentures

Are you in need of dentures but not sure what kind to get? Consider flexible dentures. Flexible dentures are dentures that are made of a softer material that adapts around the teeth and gums. They are an alternative to traditional porcelain or resin dentures, but are they the right option for you? Here are some of the reasons for and against this type of denture.

The pros

Firstly, flexible dentures do not need metal clasps or adhesive to hold them in place, as they are designed to fit around the gum tissue perfectly and flex into position. This can make them more comfortable to wear, and a good option for people who find traditional dentures irritating. Traditional dentures can take a long time to get used to and can cause soreness in the early days.

Secondly, as the material is transparent, they allow the natural gum colour to show through, which means the dentures blend in much better with your mouth. They can, therefore, be much more natural-looking.

The material is also less brittle than porcelain or resin, and so flexible dentures are less likely to break if they are dropped. They are not indestructible but are more likely to survive any accidents that occur.

There is also the advantage that these dentures are easier to manufacture, as they do not have as many parts as normal dentures. They can be made a lot more quickly, and so they will not take so long to arrive, avoiding the waiting times that often accompany traditional dentures.

The cons

The main disadvantage of flexible dentures is that they will require very careful cleaning. The flexible base will attract a build-up of bacteria much more quickly than a rigid base, and this could lead to problems in the mouth if they are not properly cleaned. You will need to remove them daily and brush them all over with a toothbrush and warm water.

Flexible dentures can also be more expensive than the more traditional type. You may not object to paying a little more if you are one of the many people who find rigid dentures uncomfortable or awkward to wear, but you should bear in mind that if the dentures break—or if your gums change shape—it is unlikely that they can be repaired or relined, and you will most likely need a new set.

If you think flexible dentures are the right choice for you, just talk to your dentist about your options.

About Me

Denture Repair: Home Remedies and More

Unfortunately, even the best dentures can face troubles. My name is Ella, and as a denture wearer for over a decade, I have faced almost every denture issue in the book. Along the way, I've learned tons of tips and tricks on how to repair them at home and how to diagnose issues on your own. I've also learned when it's important to call the dentist for professional assistance. In this blog, we're going to explore all of it – home remedies on cleaning dentures, fixing them, storing them and more. Take my experience and let it guide you through your denture-wearing journey. Thanks for reading! Take care, Ella.
